Preparation of The High Tenacity and High Flow Mater Batch of PP
发布人: 发布时间: 2014-04-23 作者: 访问次数: 59


Application Number: 01112980

Publicaton: 1388166

Writer:Wei Wu,Yasheng Yao, Weiguang Pu, Peiming Shi, Yuan Li. Qi Qian

Abstract: A patent for preparation of high tenacity and high flow mater batch of PP.
The mixture consist of PP pellets, EPDM, organic peroxide crosslinking agents and allyl addition crosslinking agents. The mass ratio of the PP and EPDM, EPDM and organic peroxide, EPDM and allyl addition agents are 100:(70~130), 100:(0.05~0.45) ,100:(0.5~3.5), respectively. The mixtures were extruded by the twin-screw machine and cut into pellets. The master batches and the PP pellets were extruded by the twin-screw machine. The products have excellent performance especially the impact strength and high flow performance.