Preparation of Molecular Wire Material: Polypyrrole/ Cyclodextrins Polypseudorotaxane
鍙戝竷浜猴細 鍙戝竷鏃堕棿: 2014-04-23 浣滆€�: 璁块棶娆℃暟: 52

Application Number: 201010023019.X锛�

Publicaton: CN101798359A

Writer:Wei Wu, Yujie Chen, Jun Chen, Weiguang Pu, Ru Wang

Abstract:The invention relates to the preparation of molecular wire material: polypyrrole/ cyclodextrins polypseudorotaxane. The molecular wire material was prepared by the following steps: the mixture of pyrrole and cyclodextrins was prepared by adding the A-cyclodextrin( α-CD) and pyrrole monomers in the deionized water at nitrogen atmosphere. Added the equimolar amounts pyrrole of the oxidative in aqueous solutions, dripped into the mixture and reacted at the atmosphere with the magnetic stirring. The crude product was washed by hot water, suction filtrated and dried. The molar ratio of CD and pyrrole is 1:5-1:24, the electric conductivity is 0.3694~5.38S鈥m-1, the diameter of the molecular wire is below 200nm and the length is micron order. The method is simple and easily achieve the mass production.