Study on Effect of Technological Factor on PP/ EPDM Blend in Dynamic Vulcanization
发布人: 发布时间: 2014-04-23 作者: 访问次数: 47

Writer: Wei Wu, Qi Qian,Yuan Li,Qi Chen,Dafei Zhou

Publication:  China Plastics Industry, 1998, 26(6):15-18

Abstract: By Means of impact test, MI, blending equilibrium torque, crosslinkage and scanning electrical microscope (SEM), the effects of the initiator and cure time on the dynamic vulcanizing process and the property of the product were studied. The results showed the appropriate amount of initiator (DCP) should be a lit t le bit more than w hat was required for all of the EPOM to be initiated and crosslinked. It w as ideal for the cure time to be controlled within 6~7 times of the half life time of the initiator.