Writer: Wei Wu, Weiguang Pu, Qi Qian, Junzheng Zhao, Dufei Zhao
Publication: Journal of Functional Polymers, 1998, 11(1):343-350
Abstract: Considering unfavourable effect of PP degradat ion on PP/ EPDM blend system in dynamic vulcanict ion, this paper invest ig ated some macroscopical and microscopical properties of PP/EPDM vulcanizates with four different feeding sequence, such as; process flow ability , crosslinkage, impact toughness and section and compared unvulcanizated samples with vulcanized ones containing different EPDM concent . Result show that optimum feeding sequence can effectively infulence the objects and the degree of react ion. Blending then vulcanizing and making PP/EPDM blend system have a better microscopcal dispersion state before it s initiation are the fundamental principle for deciding feeding sequence.