Study the Effect of Blending Methods on the Properties of
发布人: 发布时间: 2014-04-23 作者: 访问次数: 54

Writer: Wei Wu, Yuan Li.

Publication: China Plastics,1999, 13(1):22-30 

Abstract: The effect of blending methods on the properties of dynamic PP and EPDM were dynamically vulcanized through one step ext rusion and two step extrusion. The resultant product s were examined for their mechanical properties, tensile break behaviour, and degree of vulcanization ,Melt rheology was also studied ,and the structure of the vulcanized product s was observed microscopically. Result s of tained showed that compared with one Step extrusion, the two step extrusion proved tobe beneficial to inhabiting PP degsadation, thus increasing the degree of vulcanigation. It was also noticed thara better system of PP/ EPDM , with improved dist sibution of EPDM in PP ,was observable with the two step ext rusion product s ,leadling to impoved impact toughness ansong ather mechanical propestes. The only beneficial effeet of one step extsusion was noted for its melt flow rheology.