Tensile Behavior of Dynamic Vulcanized PP/EPDM
发布人: 发布时间: 2014-04-23 作者: 访问次数: 54

Writer: Wei Wu,Weiguang Pu,Yuan Li.

Publication: China Plastics Industry, 1999, 27(6):34-36

Abstract: Dynamic vulcanized PP/ EPDM w as prepared by means of one-stage process and masterbatch process, and the tensile behavior of the prepared blend were studied. The results showed the disperse phase EPDM could improve the extensibility and toughness of the blend, but the wre determined by the molecular weight of PP; whether there would be a second y ield in the late tensile, it w as depended on the degree of cross- linking and morphological structure of EPDM. The use of masterbatch and compound crosslinking agent had toughening and rigidity effect s on the blend.