Writer: Wei Wu.
Publication: China Plastics, 1999.13(7):18-24
Abstract: Based on the differences of crystallizing and melting characteristics between co2crosslinking molecules and normal molecules of PP, the PP/ EPDM co2crosslinking structure in dynamically vulcanized PP/ EPDM blend is investigated by means of the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) . The results show that a new melting peak is formed at the DSC curve of dynamically vulcanized PP/ EPDM blend about 150℃.As the crystallizing speed or the DSC test program is changed, the chemical structure which forms the new melting peak has strong hysteresis effect in cryistallization. But the DSC curves of unvulcanized PP/ EPDM blends have no same new melting peak.According to chemical reaction theory, the DMA and SEM resullts show that the new melting peak at the DSC curve is the melting peak of the crystallization of PP/ EPDM co2crosslinking molecules and the co-crosslinking reaction between PP and EPDM really exists in the dynamically vulcanized PP/ EPDM blend.