Study onThe Cooperative Toughening of Dynamic Vulcanized PP/EPDM/nano-SiO2 Composites with Double Particles
发布人: 发布时间: 2014-04-23 作者: 访问次数: 46

Writer:  Wu Wei

Publication: China Elastomerics. 2001(5): 5-11

Abstract: PP/EPDM/nano-SiO2modified composites with elastic particles of EPDM and rigid particles of nano-SiO2 were prepared by dynamic vulcanization. The structure and the properties of composites were studied with mechanical property test, dynamic mechanical test, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and polarizing microscope. The results show that the rigid particles of nano-SiO2 and the elastic particles of EPDM make cooperative toughening and reinforcing effect on PP. The effect is correlated with the concentration ratio of two particles. When the content of nano-SiO2 is 3% (wt) and the content of EPDM is 10% (wt), the cooperative toughening and reinforcing effect is the most evident. Two particles make PP higher loss modulus (E”) and mechanical loss (tanδ) at low temperature. Two particles have nucleating function, so as to raise the crystallization temperature, expedite the crystallization rate, form the finer and equaler spherulite structure, and increase the degree of crystallinity and the melt point of PP.