Effects of Nucleating Agent and Nucleating Promoter on Crystalline Behavior of PET/ PTT Blend
发布人: 发布时间: 2014-04-23 作者: 访问次数: 51

Writer: Chen Hai-yan, Wu Wei, Liang Hao, Liu Min

Publication: China Plastics Industry. 2006, 34(11):50-53

Abstract: PET/ PTT blends were respectively prepared by using twin strew extruder and HAPRO rheomixer for the study of the relationship between the mechanical properties and blending ratio of the blends by means of tensile and impact tests, along with DSC analysisMeanwhile, a detailed study was designed to find out the effects of different nucleators and nucleating promoter on the crystalline behavior of the blendsIt was found the stiffness and toughness of the blends could be improved simultaneously when the blending ratio was75/ 25( PET/ PTT, by mass fraction) Moreover, when used as nucleators, nano-meter SiO2 could successfully increase the crystallizability of the blend and polyether-1000couldobviouslyacceleratethecrystallizationrateof the blend.