Lixing Luan(D.D)
发布人: 发布时间: 2014-04-17 作者: 访问次数: 127

Lixing Luan (D.D)
Educational Background:   2006.09~2011.03:   Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
                                                                          East China University of Science and Technology
                                          2002.09~2006.07:  Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
                                                                          East China University of Science and Technology
Academic Field:

Academic Result:

1.  Luan Lixing, Wu Wei, Manfred Wagner*, Marco Müller. Seaweed as Novel Biofiller in Polypropylene Composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010(118), 997-1005.
 2.  Wu Wei*, Luan Lixing, Pu Weiguang, Xue Yang. Study on the Adsorption of Tea Polyphenols by Polyamide. 12th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress.
3.  Wu Wei*, Luan Lixing, Li Na, Pu Weiguang. Inverstigation on Blends of Polar SBS(PSBS) with PS and Ultrafine CaCO3.5th East-Asian Polymer Conference.