Writer: O. Jacobs, R. Jaskulka, F Yang, W Wu, Proc. Conf. Wear of Materials (WOM2003) in Washington of USA, April 2003
Abstract:This paper deals with the effect of counterpart material (hardened steel, austenitic steel, and Al2O3), internal lubricant (PTFE, graphite, MoS 2and SnS2), and fibre reinforcement (glass and carbon fibres) on the wear of epoxy-based composites. Under dry conditions thehigh chromium austenitic steel led to a lower composite wear than the bearing steel. Alumina counterparts produced results similar tothe austenitic steel. In a dry environment, only PTFE led to a remarkable wear reduction, while all other fillers had no significant effectregardless of the counterpart material. For wet conditions the Al2 O3ceramic seems to be most promising. The carbon fibre reinforcedversion had the best wear performance under aqueous conditions.