On the effect of counterface material and aqueous environment on the sliding wear of carbon fibre reinforced Polyetheretherketone (PEEK)
发布人: 发布时间: 2014-02-26 作者: 访问次数: 62

Writer: O. Jaco bs, R. Jaskulka, C. Yan and W. W u

Journal:Tribology Letters, 2005, 19 (4):319-329

AbstractCarbon fibre reinforced Polyetheretherketone (PEEK/CF) was exposed to unidirectional sliding at a speed of 28 mm/s against various counterparts. Some of these tests were repeated in water. The bearing steel produced the worst results. In this case, the carbon fibre reinforcement even increased the wear compared to unreinforced PEEK. Most other counterparts led to wear rates almost a factor 100 lower. Chemically inert hard counterparts performed best. The lowest wear rates were found against DLC. An aqueous environment usually accelerated the wear process. Only in case of alumina and DLC counterparts, the water lubrication reduced the wear rate. The addition of graphite plus Polytetraflourethylene (PTFE) to PEEK/CF reduced the sensitivity to the operation conditions.