论文题目:Tribological Behavoir of Nanocomposites Polyamide 6 / Carbon Nanotubes Composites Prepared by In-situ Polymerization
Carbon nanotubes/Polyamide 6 (CNTs/PA6) composites were prepared by in-situ polymerization of ε-Caprolactam and 6-Aminohexanoic acid (weight ratio, 4:1) with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT). One kind of MWNT were multi walled carbon nanotubes-1030 (Ch-MWNT) from Shenzhen Nanotech Port Co. Ltd, China. Ch-MWNT were pretreated by boiling with concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid (volume 3:1, 98 and 65%, respectively) at 125~150℃ for 2 hours under reflux (Ch-MWNTCOOH). The other kind of MWNT were Baytubes? CISO P (Baytubes) from Bayer MaterialScience, Germany. The Baytubes were pretreated by boiling nitric acid at 100~120°C for about 2 hours (BaytubesCOOH). In the infrared spectrum (IR) the typical frequencies for OH and CO are observed which indicates the grafting of functional groups to the MWNTs by the pretreatment. In order to solve the problem of dispersing CNTs homogeneously into the matrix, a pulsed ultrasound was used and a mechanical mixing device was also used for a comparison. Photos of the solution of composites in 40% sulfuric acid showed that the ultrasonication could disperse the CNTs better than mechanical mixing. There is no clear tendency of a molecular weight change in the CNTs/PA6 composites with the applied concentration of CNTs, according to Mn-determination by viscosimetry. DSC results show melting temperature (Tm) of pure polyamide 6 and CNTs/PA 6 composites is around 217℃~218℃ and crystallinity is around 26%~30%. The specific wear rates of the nanocomposites were measured by using a ball-on-prism tribometer. The specific wear rates of pure polyamide 6 and CNTs/PA6 composites were in the range of 10-6 mm3/Nm. No significant change of the specific wear rates of the PA 6 nano composits was found as compared with the neat polyamides.
采用熔融共混挤出法制备了极性化SBS(PSBS)/苯乙烯(PS)/纳米CaCO3热塑性复合材料,研究了纳米CaCO3含量、分散剂处理、共混温度和共混转速等工艺条件对复合材料结构与性能的影响,观察并研究了复合材料的微观形态。结果表明,增加纳米CaCO3含量,可有效提高PSBS/PS/纳米CaCO3复合材料的力学性能;提高共混温度,可明显提高PSBS/PS/纳米CaCO3复合材料的拉伸性能与弯曲性能,但冲击性能略有下降;加快共混螺杆转速,因减小了物料的共混停留时间,会使PSBS/PS/纳米CaCO3复合材料力学性能受损;添加分散剂,可有效改善纳米CaCO3在复合材料中的分散效果,从而提高材料性能。综合以上结论,本研究中当纳米CaCO3含量为30份、分散剂A含量为0.9 份、抗氧剂1010含量为1 份、共混温度为155~190℃、螺杆转速为50r/min时,PSBS/PS/纳米CaCO3复合材料的力学性能最佳。
采用熔融共混挤出法制备了极性化SBS(PSBS)/苯乙烯(PS)共混材料,研究了PS含量、引发剂品种和含量对该共混材料拉伸性能、弯曲性能以及熔体流动速率的影响,通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察并研究了复合材料的微观形态。结果表明,PSBS/PS共混物的拉伸强度和弯曲强度都随PS用量的增加而增加;体系中加入引发剂可使PSBS发生部分交联,明显提高共混材料的拉伸性能和弯曲性能,但冲击韧性略有下降;体系中加入引发剂BPO也具有类似效果,但改性效果比DCP差。当PSBS/PS为50/50时,加入0.3% DCP时,共混材料的综合性能最佳。